The 1990's, the millennial kids era. It was the kids then that make up today's youth. For that reason, much of our youth culture has some roots in the 90's. We also look back nostalgically on the 90's, even those of us (like me) who only experienced their reverberating effects in the early 2000's. They weren't that long ago, but already, they've taken on a tacky genre. The 90's might best be described as a stale bowl of popcorn leftover from last night's movie. Either that is a terrible comparison or a wonderful one, but it's what works in my head.
The 1990's were the decade when Princess Diana died in a car accident. She was being chased by the paparazzi when it happened and her driver was trying to lose them. This resulted in a crash and her death. When the public found out, they were horrified and grieved. Much of the blame for her death went to the media and the royal family. Queen Elizabeth wanted little to nothing to do with the whole affair at first, but eventually she was forced to concede a public funeral for Diana and show the public in various ways that she cared. This was because the media and the public was beginning to wonder if there even should be a queen. The loss of Diana was felt everywhere. She had been very loved. The gap she left caused people sadness, but it also tested the monarchy, which be it good or bad, survived. Today, Diana's celebrity status still has an impact as we idolize the current royals.
Another death marking the 1990's was the murder of Tupac in 1996. He was shot multiple times before being rushed to a hospital and dying from the resulting injuries. His death caused awareness of perhaps some bad things going on behind the rap scene. It also may have made rap more appealing to some and less appealing too others. it probably shifted the audience just slightly.
Another large event of the 1990's was Y2K, the prediction of the future that scared more than half the nation. it was believed that in 2000, all computers and anything in connection with them would shut down. This would be a giant problem, the end of the world to some. Thankfully, it didn't happen. Since Y2K, however, other conspiracies have formed and Y2K is sometimes referenced.
The 1990's weren't that different than today, but they were definitely still what we would call old school. Bill Clinton, the president, had an affair and famously argued the definition of the word "it". More than a normal amount of people were suspicious of alien life and a decoy alien was created. Nirvana became a popular grunge band; many of their songs are still popular today. And so on, and so on. Yes, this was decade of the Furby and the Tomagatchi, of famous iceskating rivalries and great comedians. Do you remember it? If you do, do you miss it?
Love your conclusion, lol.